SPOILER ALERT! Om du inte läst tidigare böcker, läs dom först!

Tidigare böcker:

My soul to Take 1#
My soul to Save 2#
My soul to Keep 3#
My soul to Steal 4#
If I die 5# (kom ut i september i år)
Before I wake 6# (Juli 2012)

The entire school's talking about the gorgeous new math teacher, Mr. Beck. Everyone except Kaylee Cavanaugh. After all, Kaylee's no ordinary high-school junior. She's a banshee—she screams when someone dies. But the next scream might be for Kaylee. Yeah—it's a shock to her, too. So to distract herself, Kaylee's going to save every girl in school. Because that hot new teacher is really an incubus who feeds on the desire of unsuspecting students. The only girls immune to his lure are Kaylee and Sabine, her boyfriend's needy ex-girlfriend. Now the unlikely allies have to get rid of Mr. Beck…before he discovers they aren't quite human, either. But Kaylee's borrowed lifeline is nearing its end. And those who care about her will do anything to save her life.

/ Olivia & Christina


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